The Sun: the centre of the solar system.
Much like our own sun in the sky, the Sun takes centre stage in astrology. It is the planet that always reflects your ego and will, as well as what you are confident about and how you handle yourself during high pressure situations. Sometimes it can be hard to see past ourselves in order to look at our problems objectively, but this planet is all about making that happen. In fact, if you want someone who will tell you exactly what they think of you or a situation, look no further than your Sun sign!
If they say they’re good at something or believe in something, then it’s probably true. You won’t catch a Libra lying just so they can fit in with a group of people. Even when Libras are trying very hard not to show their emotions, there’s still something about them that says “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about me; I know what I believe and where I stand on this issue.” Having strong opinions isn’t always easy for everyone; it takes courage and confidence to truly have an opinion on anything!
People born under Leo do not need constant praise from others because their opinions matter more than anyone else’s does. Their strong sense of self-confidence allows them to do whatever it takes for them without worrying about whether other people approve or not—and most importantly without asking permission from anybody else either! They are known as natural leaders with their charming personalities which draws people towards them easily because they make friends wherever they go (or maybe even some enemies too…). People born under Leo may seem like big softies but don’t let your guard down around these guys—they’ll put up one heck of a fight if pushed against their beliefs!”
Your Sun sign is your core identity, the you that everyone else sees
In astrology, the Sun is more than our physical star. It is the centre of our solar system, and also the centre of ourselves – a symbol for who we are as individuals and in relation to others.
Your Sun sign is your core identity, the you that everyone else sees (even if you’ve hidden behind a false persona for most of your life).
It represents your ego, self-expression and individuality. Your Sun sign represents all that which makes up that “thing” called “you” – your personality, character traits and talents. The Sun also represents one’s father or father figure, so some of its qualities may reflect those you learned from him or even saw lacking in him.
Like gravity, the Sun’s influence is so pervasive that you can’t escape it
As the centre of our solar system, it’s no surprise that the sun has a strong influence on astrology. Like gravity, the Sun’s influence is so pervasive that you can’t escape it; if you were born under a sign associated with fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then your ruling planet is the Sun.
The Sun represents your ego, self-expression and individuality
The Sun represents your ego, self-expression and individuality. It rules both our initial ego and sense of self as well as our conscious will and outward identity. The Sun’s placement in your chart at the time of your birth indicates which sign it was in, thereby showing you what part of the self you are expressing.
The Sun is the centre of the solar system and provides energy for all life on earth to exist. In astrology, the Sun is considered a planet, but is more like a star because it is so luminous. The Greeks personified their gods into entities with human-like characteristics, so they gave a godly persona to the sun by calling him Apollo. The Romans named him Sol – hence Sunday as his day of worship.
When Mercury or Venus are closer to the Earth than the Sun, they are called inferior planets
Mars and beyond are superior planets because they are further away from the Earth than the Sun. Inferior planets are closer to the Earth than the Sun, and since they never travel far from the Sun in our sky, they’re only visible for part of the year. For example, Mercury is only visible in our evening sky during a few weeks each fall and spring.
Superior planets are farther from the Earth than the Sun, and so we can see them all year round. Mars is an example of a superior planet that’s most easily spotted when it rises around midnight at certain times of year.
What’s most important to you in life?
Most people already know their Sun sign, which, while it isn’t the only thing that defines you, is still a very important piece of information to understand yourself. Your Sun sign describes what’s most important to you in life: your goals, your ambitions, and what you want to be remembered for. It also reflects how you deal with challenges; when they arise (and they will) how do you react? Do you fight? Do you submit? Or do you retreat? These are all just glimpses into who your Sun sign says that you are.
Your Moon sign reveals your inner self and provides insight into how others perceive you. The Moon sign is also the indicator of childhood fears and memories as well as deeply rooted emotional needs.
The sun is an important part of astrology because it is so big and bright!
The sun is the source of much of our energy and the centre of the solar system. It is responsible for day, night, warmth and heat in nearly every way. The sun has kept our planet warm for millions of years, allowing life to thrive on Earth.
The sun is a truly beautiful star and it appears yellow to us because that is the colour we see most often when looking at it. This star is actually white but we see it as yellow because this colour radiates between red and green light which are the two colours that make up yellow light (Colours).
There are many other stars in the universe but they appear very small from earth. However, if you were able to look down upon our solar system from outer space you would see just how massive the sun really is! The diameter of Earth’s orbit extends out 170 times farther than Pluto’s orbit, so even though Pluto may seem like a far away planet in relation to our own world its closest point still comes within about 9 million miles (14 million km) every year during its elliptical journey around Sol each time around on average every 248 years or so (Planets).