The fixed mode of energy is personal, powerful, and resistant to change
The fixed mode is one of four modes found in astrology. The four modes are cardinal, fixed, mutable and the ever-elusive negative mode. The fixed mode is personal and powerful. It tends to stay put, resist change and take on a routine approach to life. In astrology, the fixed mode is associated with Taurus (fixed Earth), Leo (fixed Fire), Scorpio (fixed Water) and Aquarius (fixed Air).
The subjective nature of the zodiac signs means that their qualities can be interpreted as either strengths or weaknesses depending on context. For example, while certain aspects of being focused and determined can be seen as positive traits such as loyalty or persistence, they can also be viewed as negatives like being stubborn or obsessive.
While there are no planets in the fixed signs at the moment, there are often planets there
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It is said that they are stubborn, unchangeable and obstinate.
- You could say that the Fixed signs rule what or who we fixate on in our lives.
- They represent the things that we value the most and are going to stick to come hell or high water. This does not necessarily mean that these things are good for us – people can have a fixation on any number of self-destructive things from alcohol to drugs to fame and power (or even just their favourite television program). The fixed sign would be where one’s main focus in life lies.
- For instance an individual with a strong tie to Scorpio could be focused on getting revenge for some past wrong done to them. In this case revenge becomes their main focus in life whether it is a healthy obsession or not depends upon other factors in their chart but it would remain their primary motivation until acted upon (unless they decided instead to let it go by following another path – which is entirely possible).
- Another example of how the fixed signs may manifest in an individual’s life would be those who have Taurus rising (see above) they will place great emphasis on material wealth and want a nice house/car etc… They like creature comforts and require tangible proof of these possessions in order to feel secure about themselves so they will ensure they get them no matter how long it takes!
Willpower, determination, stability and endurance
The affinities of the fixed modality include willpower, determination, stability and endurance. People with planets in fixed signs are dependable, reasonable and realistic. They maintain their cool when life gets tough, rarely fly off the handle or take impulsive action. They are loyal friends and colleagues who can be counted upon to see things through to their logical conclusion.
As you have surely noticed by now, each astrological sign is associated with a specific element (fire, earth, air or water), while each planet belongs to a particular sign and house in your birth chart. This means that planets placed in fixed signs will bestow certain qualities on you. Two of the most prominent traits will be adaptability and focus. With these two key skills at your disposal – not to mention perseverance – you’ll find yourself able to weather storms that would otherwise knock less durable people off course. Staying focused on whatever has captured your interest is essential for maintaining an even keel despite the turbulent seas caused by unexpected change or disappointing news!
Fixed signs are often seen as leaders
In addition to the above, a fixed modality is often associated with leadership. These signs tend to approach life with clear goals and aren’t afraid of hard work or going against the grain.
If you’re a fixed sign, don’t be afraid of your leadership potential! It doesn’t mean that you have to run a company, or be in charge of other people. It may just mean that you know what’s right for yourself and advocate for it. For example, if you see something wrong at work, speak up! You could suggest a better way of doing things or raise an issue that others haven’t noticed but has been bothering you for months. Another way to lead is by setting an example for your co-workers: maybe you arrive on time every day and leave on time every evening; maybe you go out of your way to help someone who’s struggling; maybe your punctuality inspires people to show up earlier because they want to get their work done before you get there.
You could also demonstrate leadership by actively pursuing new opportunities and trying new things at work, even if it means stepping outside your comfort zone initially. If the boss needs someone to take on a new project or try out a new skill set, offer yourself up as the guinea pig! You might find yourself getting more responsibility as time goes on and will likely wind up having more fun than if you’d turned down the opportunity because it wasn’t “your thing.”
Fixed people often have a reputation for being lazy and stubborn
Knowing your modality is one of the most important pieces of information that you can have about yourself. Fixed people often have a reputation for being lazy and stubborn, but it’s important to remember that we all move at different speeds. Don’t let anyone stereotype you by your zodiac sign, modality or house. After all, we are all just made up of different combinations of these things!
The fixed modality requires you to remain true to yourself and your goals
The fixed modality is all about remaining true to yourself and your goals, but that doesn’t mean you should be set in stone. You will achieve much more in life if you remain flexible and open to change. There may be times when you need to adapt to circumstances or even adjust your goals slightly along the way. Don’t be afraid of change; it can be a good thing!
For example, say that one of your goals is to write a book. You start by writing a few chapters, but then decide that it just isn’t working out the way you planned. So what do you do? Do you stick with it and just keep writing? Or do you make some changes? In this case, maybe changing the topic would help, or maybe even changing your genre would work better for the story that is trying to get out there on paper (or screen).