The astrological ruler of Cancer, the sign of emotions

We often hear Cancer being referred to as the crab. Crabs are known for their hard outer shell, with a soft vulnerable center. This is exactly how we can view Cancer’s personality traits. The Moon sign represents what you need in order to feel secure and nurtured. Aries needs freedom, Libra needs balance and Cancer is the sign that requires security and safety in order to flourish. The Moon is our emotions, moods, habits, feelings and instincts on an instinctual level. It’s extremely important to find out your moon sign and understand more about it as it plays a vital part within your natal chart!

Your emotions and moods, fears and hidden beliefs

In astrology, your moon sign is the ruler of your emotions, moods and inner feelings. What it represents depends on where the moon is located in your natal chart—the birth chart that maps out all of the planets’ positions at the time you took your first breath.

Your moon sign can reveal a lot about yourself and those around you. A person’s moon sign is how people process their emotions and how they react to situations. If you are able to understand another person’s moon sign, you can help them to better understand themselves and learn how to cope with stress or worries more effectively.

The moon changes signs every 2-3 days, and this affects your moods.

New Moon, Full Moon and the Lunar Cycle

The Moon changes sign every two to three days. That means that for about two to three days, your emotions are ruled by a particular zodiacal sign until the Moon moves into another zodiacal sign. During this time, the energy of that particular zodiacal sign will affect your emotions, as well as how you interact with other people.

Your moon sign is a powerful indicator of your emotional life. Look up which zodiacal sign your moon is in to find out more about how it influences you! If you do not know which sign the moon was in on the day you were born, visit or another similar site to find out.

For all its simplicity, the moon is a very mysterious object. It is the closest celestial body to our planet, Earth. It orbits around the Earth once every month (28 days) and completes its cycle of phases in 29.5 days. The Moon has no light of its own and shines only by reflecting the light from the Sun.

During the course of a lunar cycle, the Moon goes through several phases as it moves through space with respect to the Sun and Earth: New Moon, Cresent Moon, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon (which precedes a New Moon).

You may have heard that the moon has different phases, but do you know how they work? The Full Moon occurs when the Earth is between the sun and the moon. During this phase, we can see most of the illuminated side of the moon as it reflects sunlight back at us. The New Moon occurs when the moon is between the Earth and sun; this means we can’t see it from Earth. Since there is no sunlight being reflected from its surface, we don’t see any light coming from it at all.

The new and full moons are complete opposites—one lights up our night sky while the other one disappears—but their positions in relation to each other is what causes these two events to occur. When a new or full moon happens, it’s because of where we are in relation to either side of Earth’s orbit around our nearest star: if we’re closer to one side than another, then we’ll experience a new or full moon.

Each zodiacal sign has a different impact on your emotions during a Lunar cycle

The Full Moon, which appears when the moon is at or near its highest point in the sky (called “First Point”), often marks the time when we start a new project. The New Moon, which shows up whenever the moon is on or near its lowest point (called “Last Point” or “Last Quarter”) is a great time to finish something you’ve been working on—especially because it’s usually a smooth ride between full moons. The best way to understand how this works is with an example:

If I decide to host Christmas celebrations for my family this year, then I should make sure to invite our astrology friends so that they can tell me if I am going to have bad luck with the holiday. After all, according to astrology, each of us are ruled by certain planets and stars during our birth month and year. And since Christmas falls in December (which has traditionally been ruled by Saturn), I am probably not going to get much help from my friends if I want our celebration to be successful. But if it were June, then that means that Jupiter would be in my sign Gemini right now and therefore would be making an appearance at my party. Jupiter rules optimism and effortless happiness so I shouldn’t have any trouble getting people excited about attending an event cantered around holidays!

The lunar cycles affect your emotions

With a bit of study, it’s very easy to learn about the lunar cycles and how they affect your emotions. Astrology uses the lunar cycles to predict your emotional response to events in your life. A new moon is a time of beginnings, and is often associated with good times. Full moons are a time of endings, and are more likely to bring negative emotions. There are several other phase types in between these two extremes that I won’t go into quite yet—but once you understand what type of cycle the moon is currently experiencing, you’ll be able to predict how this will affect your emotional state.

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